Finally, learn how to put those silver scraps you’ve been collecting to work for you. Melt down silver or gold to create new wire or sheet to work with. Take apart those single earrings that seem to accumulate and reuse the components. Create new jewelry from your old jewelry in this weekend workshop designed to teach basic casting and cold connections skills. This class will focus on identifying reusable materials including various metals, glass, resin and stones as well as how to problem-solve taking jewelry apart and putting it back together.

Student showing a freshly poured sheet ingot

Melting metal in crucible for pouring into an ingot

Preparing metal for melting and pouring into an ingot
Published by Dana
Dana Cassara began practicing the art of silversmithing at North Seattle Community College in 1992. She discovered her love for the craft after returning to school to pursue a teaching degree with a focus in social studies. She graduated from the University of Washington in 1998 with a B.A. in Comparative History of Ideas as well as Interdisciplinary Arts, because she just couldn't stay out of the art department. She has been teaching jewelry design since 1999 and loves what she does.
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