Creative Surface Development

Our world is covered in textures and patterns that inform and delight us. In the studio, a unique or well-chosen surface adds character and depth to an object, enhances and even defines it. But it so often happens that we come to rely on a handful of basic textures rather than developing our own creative surfaces.

The goal of this workshop is to fix that, to uncover new ways to consider surface, to loosen up and experiment, generating a wide variety of metal samples — “flash cards”. Each sample will be accompanied by notes detailing how the surface was produced, so that the effect can be replicated for future application. We will explore heat-generated surfaces as well as rolled, hammered, abraded, spontaneous and complex surfaces.

Then, using some of the surfaces discovered, participants will build a brooch or pendant. A simple but elegant brooch finding system will be demonstrated.

Discussion includes using natural surfaces as source material as well as how and when to apply surface texture during the construction of a piece. Bring a sense of play and a sharp pencil — there are sure to be lots of tips and tricks. Intermediate level.

Some materials included