If you are interested in homemade tools and bench tricks to speed your production and understanding of metalsmithing, this workshop is for you. Charles will cover a loose, eclectic collection of short cuts, bench tricks, stone setting and polishing hints and alternative equipment options for metalsmiths. Cheap tool making, jeweler’s secrets and unexpected sources for tools are described in detail, many of which are found in Lewton-Brain’s book, Cheap Thrills in the Toolshop and the CD, Bench Tricks for Goldsmiths.
Published by Dana
Dana Cassara began practicing the art of silversmithing at North Seattle Community College in 1992. She discovered her love for the craft after returning to school to pursue a teaching degree with a focus in social studies. She graduated from the University of Washington in 1998 with a B.A. in Comparative History of Ideas as well as Interdisciplinary Arts, because she just couldn't stay out of the art department. She has been teaching jewelry design since 1999 and loves what she does.
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