Basic riveting is a fun and a simple way to connect metal to metal and/or metal to non-metal or even non-metal to non-metal! A new world of possibilities opens up to a jewelry designer when heat is taken out of the equation. Several simple rivet options will be demonstrated. We will discuss the advantages of each then hunker down to make some projects practicing what we’ve learned. This will be a fast paced, exciting class focused on designing, problem solving, practicing and producing work without soldering. Students should bring materials they are interested to incorporate into their projects. No experience necessary.
Basic materials included.

Rivet sample

Riveted pin with captured object, side view

Riveted pin with captured object

Riveting samples

Riveted pin with captured object

Riveted pin with captured object
Published by Dana
Dana Cassara began practicing the art of silversmithing at North Seattle Community College in 1992. She discovered her love for the craft after returning to school to pursue a teaching degree with a focus in social studies. She graduated from the University of Washington in 1998 with a B.A. in Comparative History of Ideas as well as Interdisciplinary Arts, because she just couldn't stay out of the art department. She has been teaching jewelry design since 1999 and loves what she does.
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