This workshop delivers more folds in one-day than you can possibly imagine! (This workshop delivers hundreds of folds in two days.) You will learn to make folds in each of the main categories. Forms are derived from the natural plasticity and ductility of the metal. Shaping is extremely efficient and rapid – many forms are complete in three to seven minutes. Tools are simple: fingers, hammer, anvil and mill. Complex relief forms are made from sheets of metal often in one annealing. Forms made with this method resemble chased, constructed and soldered forms and can be made with most metals, including steel. Master goldsmith Charles Lewton-Brain has trained, studied and worked in Germany, Canada and the United States to learn the skills he uses. You know that foldforming book you love? He wrote it! All levels.
Fold-Forming with the Master
Published by Dana
Dana Cassara began practicing the art of silversmithing at North Seattle Community College in 1992. She discovered her love for the craft after returning to school to pursue a teaching degree with a focus in social studies. She graduated from the University of Washington in 1998 with a B.A. in Comparative History of Ideas as well as Interdisciplinary Arts, because she just couldn't stay out of the art department. She has been teaching jewelry design since 1999 and loves what she does. View all posts by Dana