Fold Forming with the Master ONLINE – CUT LIST

November 9, 16, 23, Monday evenings, 5:00 – 7:00pm Pacific Time
Office hours November 12 and 19, Thursday evenings, 5:00 – 7:00pm Pacific Time
Workshop includes a free introduction lecture November 2, Monday, 5:00 – 6:30pm Pacific Time

Below are two cut lists, and an overview of the cuts used for each fold.


List #1 is just the essentials. This list does not allow for mistakes or redos, and only one example per fold.


List #2 includes cuts for some additional folds not included in list #1, and enough extra to practice folds multiple times. This list is in addition to list #1.


You will need all of list #1. List #2 is optional, though recommended.


List #1 The Essentials

This list does not allow for mistakes or redos, and only one example per fold.

These cuts can be made from a 12 x 36 sheet.

                                                1×4”            1×6”

1” wide cuts:                           1                      2


                                                1.5×3”         1.5×6”         1.5×8”

1.5” wide cuts:                        1                      1                      1


                                                2×2”            2×3”            2×3.5

2” wide cuts:                           1                      8                      1


                                                2.5×1.5            2.5x 2              2.5×2.5”          2.5×3               2.5×4

2.5” wide cuts:                        1                      2                      4                      3                      1

End of list #1

List #2 Bonus Cuts

This list allows for some additional folds not included in list #1, and enough extra to practice folds multiple times.

These cuts can be made from a 12 x 12 sheet.

                                                1×4”            1×6”            1×8”

1” wide cuts:                           1                      1                      6


                                                1.5×1.5”          1.5×3”         1.5×6”         1.5×8”

1.5” wide cuts:                        3                      7                      1                      1


                                                2×2”            2×3”            2×3.5           2×6”

2” wide cuts:                           3                      7                      1                      2


                                                2.5×1.5            2.5x 2              2.5×2.5”          2.5×3”             2.5×4”

2.5” wide cuts:                        1                      4                      7                      3                      3



3” wide cuts:                           2

End of list #2

This list indicates cuts used for each fold.

                                                                                 List #1                                    List#2

Folds                                  Size          # of pieces                              # of pieces

Line Folds                        

Basic Line fold                                   2.5×2.5”          2                                              1

Tight line fold                                     1.5×3”             1                                              1

Pinched line fold        `                       2×2.5”             0                                              3

Centered line fold                               2×2.5”             1                                              1                       

Forged diagonal line fold                   1.5×1.5”          0                      `                       3                       

Forged line fold-Bracelet                   1.5×8”             1                                              1                       

Rueger fold                                         1×6”                2                                              1                       

                                                            1.5 x 6”           1                                              1                       

Line fold forged open side                 1.5 x 2.5          1                                              1

Belly Buttons                                      2×3”                1                                              1

Basic Star line fold. (Preteach)          2.5×2.5            2                                              6                       



Basic T-fold                                        2×3”                2                                              2                       

Wedge T-fold                                     2×3”                2                                              2

Double Wedge T-Fold                        2.5×3”             0                                              2

Chased Wedge T-Fold                        2.5×4”             1                                              1           

Romero Fold                                       2.5×3”             0                                              2

T-Fold with Table Insert                    2.5×4”             0                                              2                       


Cross Folds                      

Basic Cross Fold                                 2×3”                1                                              1

Angled Cross Fold                              2×3”                1                                              1

Cross Folds as Line folds                   2.5×3”             0                                              2




Pleated Folds                    

Basic Pleated Fold                              2×6”                0                                              2                                               

Rolled Folds (requires rolling mill)                   

Heistad cup                                         2×2”                1                                              2                       

Plunkett Fold                                      2.5×3”             1                                              1

Good Fold                                           2.5×3’              1                                              1                       

Wire Mill                                            2X2”               0                                              3

                                                            and 1.5×3”      0                                              2

Paper Die Use                                     1.5×3”             0                                              4                                               

Woven Folds

Boondoggle                                        1×8”                0                                              2


Hydraulic Press Folds (requires hydraulic press)                                

Forming Blocks                                  2.5×3’              1                                              1                       

Die Forming                                       2.5×3’              0                                              2                                               

Scored and Bent                       

With a separating disc                        2×3.5”             0                                              2

                                                            3×3”                0                                              2           

Wire scoring with a hammer              2×3.5”             1                                              2           

Planish scoring                                   2×3”                1                                              1                                               

Paper Models                                    

Ward Fold                                           1×4”                1                                              1           

                                                            and 1×8”         0                                              2

Eckland 2                                            1×8”                0                                              2                                               


Along with the hammers Charles suggests from other sources (list to be emailed after registration) he is selling hammers he has adjusted for jewelry scale foldforming.

This is a nice 300g forging/planishing hammer. The weight and balance are good. One high polished face is finished for planishing, the cross peen has been carefully reshaped by me and is correct for foldforming work and fine quality metal forging. There is an extra bracing neck behind the hammerhead allowing heavier blows. I have refinished the faces to fine silversmithing standards. $60 plus $16 S+H in US funds.